It's actually halloweens this time but its less spooky somehow, Young Buck is here, Mount gay all the way, Aerophobia, Police brutality, cheap candy tomorrow. Music By Bleo, Jay Arthur Keenes Band, Everly Borhters Liaana liahmahavassassmas
things, soap, live velvet, metal, hardcore, wood, hip hop, tacos, glitch, skraams, reggae, guitars, music, noise, noise music, thoughts, feelings, screams, cries, doom, interviews, sex, love, death, hitchhiking, live, movies, comedy, people, mountains, goldsteen, places. Dudecast!? yes! The world is your dead oyster.
It's actually halloweens this time but its less spooky somehow, Young Buck is here, Mount gay all the way, Aerophobia, Police brutality, cheap candy tomorrow. Music By Bleo, Jay Arthur Keenes Band, Everly Borhters Liaana liahmahavassassmas
It's Hallow's eve, I like purple, Randolf Ratterby is here. How's your grandpa? des he listen to podcast?, What the po doin?, This episode is distubing. Music By Lil Dicky, B Real, and, Linda Draper, and 8 bit betty.
welcome back 2015 i love you, these meatballs have vitiligo, flats-heels or both?, music by dead meadow, anitron 7, and mama shogun. fuck these meatballs.